Coronavirus (Covid-19) update
As a result of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus / Covid-19, as a practice KJL Solicitors are taking steps to ensure the wellbeing and safety of their staff and Clients, whilst ensuring we can still provide advice and assistance. Given the guidance coming out from the Government and their advisors we have changed our normal procedures for client interviews. Notwithstanding this, our aim is to remain accessible and available to our clients at a time when we appreciate expert legal advice may be needed.
Our clients’ and staff’s mutual safety and wellbeing is paramount and in line with best practice, we would look to offer telephone, email, or video conferencing in the first instance.
If you need to see us, we will risk assess each visit on a case by case basis having regard to all relevant information.
KJL Solicitors has a policy in place and all staff have been briefed on the government’s guidance. However, we would ask that if you are exhibiting the symptoms of a new persistent cough or a fever that you do not attend the office, rearrange your appointment or arrange this appointment by an alternative method. Likewise, if you have visited a high-risk area, we ask you to notify us prior to any arranged meeting.
In this current period, we are aiming to operate as normal as possible and continue to provide the services required by our clients with as little disruption and inconvenience as possible. We will continue to monitor carefully the rapid changing situation and follow the latest Government and Public Health England guidance.